Light 'Em Up
Light 'Em Up
The Highly Suspicious Death of Crystal McCrory Jones: Glaring, Incompetent Errors in the Autopsy Report; Failure to Investigate. Cover-up & Collusion in Cajun Country.
Welcome to this explosive episode of “Light ‘Em Up” — actively being downloaded in 108 countries!
Thank you so much for your enormous response to our previous multiple record-setting episode!
As we continue to speak truth to power and shine an intense spotlight on the error-filled autopsy report and the unsubstantiated claims of the coroner, as well as the shoddy, crooked, backwoods investigational practices of the West Carroll Parish Sheriff’s Department and the shady, collusive actions on the part of the 5th Judicial Circuit District Attorney Ms. Penny Douciere — we offer this brand new fact-based, investigatory episode to you.
We submit that those involved in the “investigation” of this case willfully have chosen to look the other way. THAT is a text-book definition of corruption and a dereliction of official duty under the color of authority. We ask, why? Why wouldn’t the Louisiana State Police open an investigation? Why the rush to judgement on the part of the coroner?
On February 9, 2023 in Oak Grove, Louisiana (population 1,441), Crystal McCrory Jones was found dead in her home from what was reported to be a “self-inflicted” gunshot wound to the head.
Her husband, Tony Jones (who reportedly at one time was an employee with the same W. Carroll Sheriff’s Department charged with “investigating” the case) was reported to be the last person who saw her alive, at or around 8 am on the day of her death.
Within 1 hour and 45 minutes of the knowledge of Crystal’s death, the case was ruled to be a suicide.
The fact pattern shows that there was extensive bruising on her hands, inner thighs, and a fingernail was broken off of her left hand: evidence of a pre-mortem struggle.
Bruising is bleeding into the surrounding tissue and there's no bleeding if the heart isn't pumping. Bruising is indicative of clear signs that there was an intense struggle, before she died — as once the heart stops pumping blood --- there can be no bruising.
As education is always a foundational pillar of Light ‘Em Up, in this fact-packed episode we drill down on:
♦ What is a medico-legal death investigation — and why it is of the utmost importance that it takes place in a timely, professional and painstakingly thorough manner. It didn’t!
We define:
♦ What an autopsy and autopsy report are, the cause and manner of death and criteria for determining a suicide.
We ask:
♦ Who called in a “welfare check” on Crystal in her home, and why? Were they trying to establish an alibi?
We investigate:
♦ The difference between a suicide and a homicide.
We highlight:
♦ specific Louisiana laws governing coroners’ duties, autopsies and investigations — which expose officials as derelict in their duty.
We clarify:
♦ the 4 major problems in conducting death investigations.
♦ And we instruct on the 5 objectives of an autopsy and a ton of other compelling aspects of this mysterious case.
How is it that every aspect of the criminal justice system and those officials charged with honoring their oath to protect and serve and do their sworn duty failed Crystal?
Crystal loved life — her presence blessed everyone who encountered her.
The sad truth is that if this can happen to her — it can happen to you!
We’re in this fight! We’ll continue with this case until we see some form of “justice” delivered to Crystal's surviving family members.
Follow this link to the Change.org petition for Crystal as well as the Facebook page remembering her here.
All persons are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.