Light 'Em Up
"Light 'Em Up" takes a deep dive on the criminal justice system, crime scene investigation and leadership. We take you under and behind the crime scene investigation tape to get at the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help us God! Justice comes to those that fight ... not those that cry!
92 episodes
The Twisted, Perverted Concept of Qualified Immunity. A Proverbial "Get Out of Jail Free Card" for Law Enforcement. Examining its Historical Background & Original Intent. Protecting & Shielding the Bad Apples Even When They Break the Law.
Welcome to this probing, brand-new, fact filled episode of Light ‘Em Up.We are currently being actively downloaded in 119 countries, globally. Please spread the word with a friend regarding our podcast! Remember, we a...
Season 6
Episode 4
Is this America? The Railroading of 14-year-old Dillon Reedy. How Your 1st Amendment Free Speech & Due Process Constitutional Rights can be Stripped from You in a Blink of an Eye. An In-depth Discussion with Alison Reedy (Dillon’s Mother)
Welcome to this super-charged, explosive episode of Light ‘Em Up.We're currently being downloaded in 119 countries. We tackle the topics that touch your lives!On this episode we examine how our First Amendment (freedom...
Season 6
Episode 3
The Police & De-escalation of Aggression: What is it? Leading with Empathy, Establishing a Collaborative Relationship, with a Distressed Person in Crisis, Reserving Judgement, Actively Listening, NOT Shoot First and Ask Questions Later.
Happy New Year, we welcome you back to Light ‘Em Up!This is our 2nd installation of our brand-new 6th season! A double dip this month.Who’s listening to us in Mozambique? We’re actively being downloaded in 117 cou...
Season 6
Episode 2
The Fiery Cross: The Foundations of the KKK and the Ties That Bind with the MAGA Movement. Exposed Roots of: Anti-Immigrant-Nativism, White Supremacy, a Dark Side of Hate Crimes, Wrapped Firmly in the Flag Pretending to be Patriotic & Pro-American
Happy New Year to each and every one of you!Welcome to Season 6 episode 1 of Light ‘Em Up!We launch 2025 with exciting news! We’re actively being downloaded in 117 countries, globally!Without fear or favor — we follow...
Season 6
Episode 1
Thank you for another FANTASTIC Year! We're being downloaded in 115 countries globally & growing! We're not "true crime", we're the truth in the criminal justice system!
As we close out another fantastic year filled with one accomplishment after another for “Light ‘Em Up” — which included new sponsorships — and new underwriters — we wanted to focus on what is most important to us other than...
Season 5
Episode 17
Taser, Taser, Taser! Conducted Energy Weapons: “Less-lethal”? Do they Save Lives and Reduce Civilian Shootings or Facilitate Cardiac Arrest and are Used in a Reckless, Punitive Manner?
Welcome to this electric, super-charged, high voltage brand-new episode of Light ‘Em Up!As season 5 will soon be a rap and in the books, please tell a friend that lives overseas about us! We are now actively...
Season 5
Episode 16
Protecting Your Constitutional & Civil Rights in a Time While They are Under Assault: Driving While Black in Cleveland, Ohio, Pre-Textual Traffic Stops, Whren v U.S. & Defending Yourself When Cops Become Robbers.
Welcome to this brand-new episode of Light ‘Em Up!Tell a friend that lives overseas about us! We are now actively being downloaded in 114 countries.On this investigative, educational and impactful edition of Light ‘Em Up —...
Season 5
Episode 15
A Broken Tail Light, an Expired License Plate: NOT Capital Crimes! How Cities are Working to Reduce Racial Profiling & Biased Pre-Textual Traffic Stops — Making the All-Too-Common Traffic Stop Safer For All.
Welcome back to this brand-new, explosive, visionary, investigative edition of Light 'Em Up.We're currently being actively downloaded in 114 countries, globally. Thank you for your unwavering, constant support.Without fear o...
Season 5
Episode 14
The Senseless Killing of Michael Jones, Another Black Man, by the Akron, OH Police Department: Poor Tactical Police Procedures, Reasonable, Articulable Suspicion (RAS) & Officer Induced Jeopardy.
Welcome back to this brand-new, investigative, in-depth, exposé exclusively featured on Light 'Em Up.We're actively being downloaded in 114 countries, globally. Thank you for your unwavering, support.Without fear or fav...
Season 5
Episode 13
Murdered in Cold Blood Over a Pot of Water: The Tragic Case of Sonya Massey. A Focused Exam of the Expanding Plague of "Wandering/Roaming Cops". Is it Safe Anymore for Individuals of Color to Call the Police for Help?
Welcome to this incendiary, probing, brand-new installment of Light ‘Em Up.We’re currently being actively downloaded in 1⃣1⃣3⃣ countries globally! Thank you, for your constant support!In this intensive episode we’ll investigate ...
Season 5
Episode 12
The Radicalization Process: From "Normal" to "Violent Extremist", Being Humiliated, Losing One's Sense of Significance, & Othered. Motivated by Propaganda, Stripped of the Ability to Peacefully Pursue Purpose in a World Built on Exposing Your Devaluation
Welcome back to Light ‘Em Up!Directly from your support, we are actively being downloaded in 1⃣1⃣3⃣ countries! Thank you so much!There is so much trouble in this world. The threat vectors are endless.This riveting...
Season 5
Episode 11
If the West Carroll Parrish Sheriff's Department Has Nothing to Hide, Why'd They Lawyer Up? A Sister's Relentless Quest to Get at the Truth in the Sudden, Unexplained Death of Crystal McCrory Jones in Oak Grove, Louisiana
Welcome to this brand new, fact-revealing episode of Light ‘Em Up.We're actively being downloaded in 113 countries! Thank you!As promised, we’d be there when there was any update of significance in the 2023 case of the myster...
Season 5
Episode 10
The dark multi-billion-dollar underworld of Sports Betting and its Criminality: Are Major League Sports in Bed with Sports Betting Services to the Detriment of Their Own Players and Their Sport(s) as a Whole?
Welcome back to this exclusive, probing, fact-finding, comprehensive investigative edition of Light ‘Em Up …We are currently being actively downloaded in 1⃣1⃣ 3⃣ countries, globally.We shine the antiseptic light of the truth on ...
Season 5
Episode 9
Does the 2nd Amendment & the Castle Doctrine Apply Equally or at ALL for Black Americans? Sr. U.S. Airman Roger Fortson, Amir Locke & Donovan Lewis: Gunned Down in Their Own Homes. Hard Truths Examined. Does This Ever End? Who Will be Next?
Currently we're being downloaded in 113 countries! Thank you!With the May 3rd, 2024, shooting and killing of Sr. U.S. Airman Roger Fortson in his off-base home in Fort Walton, FL, by an Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Deputy, we ...
Season 5
Episode 8
I Want to File a Complaint! The Importance of the Civilian Complaint Alleging Police Misconduct. How this Single, Solitary Action Can Pave the Way Toward the Success or Failure of an Officer, the Department, and the City.
When we last spoke with our special and honored guest, we were being actively downloaded in 104 countries. Now, it's 112!Welcome to this edition of Light ‘Em Up.We provide you with the facts, never the fiction — we ...
Season 5
Episode 7
Where Do We Go from Here? America at a Critical Inflection Point: Democracy or Dictatorship? An Examination of Race, Political Power, Social Economics & Education. Sage Wisdoms with Dr. Sandy Womack Jr., Proactive, “Pro-people" Educational Leader.
Welcome to this intensive, no holds barred, educational episode of Light ‘Em Up!We’re working to tirelessly to expand our global footprint beyond 111 countries!Tonight, we are honored to have back one of our all-time m...
Season 5
Episode 6
“My Son Was Judged to be Guilty Before He Ever Stepped One Foot in the Courtroom”: Life Lessons, Revelations & Preventative Awareness from the Mother of a Son Convicted of 1st Degree Pre-meditated Murder.
Thank you for tuning in! Our global footprint has now reached 111 countries!On this expanded, investigative episode we shine the antiseptic light of the truth on a 2019 murder case out of the state of Michigan. The People v ...
Season 5
Episode 5
A Cold Blooded, Cajun Cover-up: How Sloppy Investigative Practices; Turning a Blind-Eye Intentionally, Voids in Personal Character & the 7 Deadly Sins Led to the Uninvestigated Death of Crystal McCrory Jones in Oak Grove, LA.
We’re honored that you’ve joined us! Thank you!We’re currently being downloaded in 111 countries!We deliver the facts … not fiction, covering every story with integrity and passion.In this explos...
Season 5
Episode 4
The Highly Suspicious Death of Crystal McCrory Jones: Glaring, Incompetent Errors in the Autopsy Report; Failure to Investigate. Cover-up & Collusion in Cajun Country.
Welcome to this explosive episode of “Light ‘Em Up” — actively being downloaded in 108 countries!Thank you so much for your enormous response to our previous multiple record-setting episode!As we continue to speak truth to power...
Season 5
Episode 3
Corruption & Death in Cajun Country: The Tragic Story of Crystal McCrory Jones. Little to No Investigation, a Rush to Judgement, an Intentional Effort at Covering Up the Facts & Overlooking Evidence: Why?
Thank you for joining us! We’ve now penetrated 108 countries globally, 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 because of YOU!This case stunk from its inception.Tonight, we explore the death of Crystal McCrory Jones, a sweet mother of 2 and a friend to all ...
Season 5
Episode 2
The "Secret War Crime" That Isn't a Secret. Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Armed Conflict & War Zones - Rape is a War Crime.
Happy New Year! We’re excited to be launching Season 5 of Light ‘Em Up!With brutal wars raging in Gaza and Ukraine — and allegations of “conflict zone sexual violence” being lodged by all parties invo...
Season 5
Episode 1
Thank you for another FANTASTIC Year! We're being downloaded in 107 countries globally & growing! We're not "true crime", we're the truth in the criminal justice system!
As we close out another fantastic year filled with one accomplishment after another for “Light ‘Em Up” … which included new sponsorships … and new underwriters -- we wanted to focus on what is most important to us other than searching ou...
Season 4
Episode 18
One Man's Terrorist is Another Man's Freedom Fighter: The Brutal War in Gaza, Terrorism & The Terroristic Threat.
Welcome to the 70th episode of Light ‘Em Up! We’re excited and honored that you’ve joined us! We know your podcasting options are vast.As we air our final full-length, explosive episode of 2023, just like the 3 Wise Men — w...
Season 4
Episode 17
Is Your Doctor Violating Your Constitutional, HIPPA & Privacy Rights? "Pain contracts." Are you Being Bullied & Coerced into Peeing Away Your Personal Protections & Privacy?
On this in-depth, investigative edition of Light ‘Em Up we expose what we maintain is an illegal invasion of your personal privacy and an illegal search and seizure in violation of the 4th Amendment.Picture this: During you...
Season 4
Episode 16
Conscious & Unconscious Bias in Policing: Seeing "Color" in Officer Discretion. Molding & Strengthening Trust with the Community Thru Analytics. Candid Revelations with a High-Ranking Police Executive Part II.
Tonight, on this provocative, incendiary and investigatory episode of Light ‘Em Up. We return to the scene of the crime! Your response was overwhelmingly favorable regarding our first episode with our special guest, the high-...
Season 4
Episode 15