Light 'Em Up
Light 'Em Up
Taser, Taser, Taser! Conducted Energy Weapons: “Less-lethal”? Do they Save Lives and Reduce Civilian Shootings or Facilitate Cardiac Arrest and are Used in a Reckless, Punitive Manner?
Welcome to this electric, super-charged, high voltage brand-new episode of
Light ‘Em Up!
As season 5 will soon be a rap and in the books, please tell a friend that lives overseas about us!
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We expose and tell the truth in a world filled with confusion and bold-faced lies.
We delve into the facts not the fiction about: TASERS —Conducted Energy Devices (CED’s) also referred to as Conducted Energy Weapons (CEW’s): A weapon that is deemed to be “less than lethal” and has been touted as saving lives and reducing civilian shootings, but in reality, carries the heavy baggage of a complicated past that I’ve personally observed being deployed in a punitive, wanton and capricious manner.
We’ll investigate:
— how law enforcement is said to deploy this weapon and how they often truly deploy it in reality.
We’ll examine:
— several case studies
— the CEW policy of The Akron Police Department (as one of its officers recently fired a TASER at an alleged person of interest riding a bicycle)
— the NYPD and its use of the TASER throughout the capital of the world, New York City
— and peel back all of the critical layers of the onion as to whether these devices can increase the incidence of death from its use.
Have you ever been tased?
From reputable law enforcement officers, I’ve been told that you lose control of your bowels and bladder for about a week following being tased.
The TASER is an acronym for, believe it or not, (Thomas A. Swift’s Electronic Rifle), named after a favorite book of the inventor John Cover who developed the device in the mid 70’s. Cover was a NASA physicist.
The hand-held device can be used to incapacitate a person by transmitting a 50K volt electric shock delivered through two, small, barbed darts intended to penetrate clothing, puncture the skin and remain attached to the target.
The darts are connected to the main unit by a thin insulated copper wire and deliver a modulated or controlled electric current designed to disrupt voluntary control of muscles, causing temporary neuromuscular incapacitation (NMI).
If the heart is a muscle and it is governed by the electrical system of the human body, why couldn’t this device affect the heart muscle? In peer reviewed research in the scholarly journal “Circulation” from The American Heart Association – an article focused on: TASER: Electronic Control Devices Can Cause Cardiac Arrest in Humans.
In more than 1 instance, it has. The TASER is a branded name which can also be used as a stun gun by pressing it directly against the target’s body, thereby administering an electric shock. Similar to a “cattle prod on steroids”.
Many in the law enforcement community stand firmly behind the Taser and disagree vehemently that officers are cavalierly using Tasers on people who are passively resisting.
However, the fact pattern shows instance after instance where officers have deployed this weapon -- even when they face little danger -- as a means to subdue unarmed people or in a punitive nature for those already in police custody.
You be the judge. Watch this video. Officer Used Stun Gun on a Migrant Holding a Toddler, video shows.
Tune in to hear ALL of the shocking and electrifying details and mucho, mucho más.
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