Light 'Em Up
Light 'Em Up
The Police & De-escalation of Aggression: What is it? Leading with Empathy, Establishing a Collaborative Relationship, with a Distressed Person in Crisis, Reserving Judgement, Actively Listening, NOT Shoot First and Ask Questions Later.
Happy New Year, we welcome you back to Light ‘Em Up!
This is our 2nd installation of our brand-new 6th season! A double dip this month.
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On this no holds barred, explosive, investigative, educational episode — we once again, shine the antiseptic light of the truth as we deliver this in-depth investigation that is focused on de-escalation of aggression as it relates to law enforcement activities.
We ask rhetorically, “Who will police the police”? Oversight of law enforcement is necessary in the 21st century.
In Latin this phrase translates to “Quis custodiet Ipsos custodes”. Literally, it means “Who shall guard the guards?
We hear the term “de-escalation of aggression” so often now-a-days.
What does it really mean?
In theory, de-escalation training has been widely implemented by U.S. law enforcement agencies in the wake of adverse public reaction to a rash of recent controversial police use of force (UoF) incidents.
George Floyd, Michael Brown, Breonna Taylor, Philando Castille, Eric Garner, just to name a few.
How is it effectively put into practice on a daily basis, or is it really being employed or implemented regularly, at all?
The essence of de-escalation involves:
— Engaging the person with empathy and reserving judgement
— Maintaining a calming presence and
— Setting limits, but picking your battles
Our learning concepts for this episode include:
Educating you about the essentials of the de-escalation process that can aide you at:
— work
— home (in your interpersonal relationships) and
— in the mean streets
— We take a close up look at: Graham v. Connor | 490 U.S. 386 (1989) as it applies overall to the de-escalation process.
Examine the origins of “officer induced jeopardy” and the ground-breaking ICAT training (Integrating Communication Assessment & Tactics) for the purposes of de-escalating a situation.
The “comply or die” mentality that often plagues these high stress encounters with the public – especially and disproportionately encounters with individuals of color.
“Officer induced jeopardy” is often the culprit in many violent encounters with the public. An officer can’t pick a fight — end it with bullets and then claim self-defense — but they do this with regularity.
This is the essence of officer induced jeopardy.
We’ll examine the Miami Beach, Florida Police Department’s body worn camera (bwc) video footage of the recent arrest of U.S. Olympic sprinter and bronze medalist in the Summer Paris Games, Fred Kerley, and the high profile, rough arrest of Miami Dolphins star wide receiver, Tyreek Hill.
And examine the Akron, Ohio Police Department’s shooting of Jazmir Tucker, a 15-year-old high school freshman — with a high-powered assault rifle.
You’ll hear the exclusive audio of these high-profile arrests as we share the fact pattern in these cases as our case studies.
Tune in to hear all of the explosive details.
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