Light 'Em Up

Part II: "I just want justice for my son." The disturbing case of Ter'Rion Dunn: An innocent young man charged with capital murder simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. An in-depth discussion with his mother, Kimkeshia Johnson-Byron.

Phillip Rizzo Season 2 Episode 10

On this special investigative episode of Light ‘Em Up we revisit an extremely troubling case that our production team of investigators brought to your attention recently. 

It’s the case of Ter’Rion Dunn in Butler, Alabama. Ter’Rion Dunn has been charged with Capital Murder. Capital Murder is, by far, the most serious of violent crimes in Alabama. Capital Murder is a Class A felony, carrying with it a potential 10 years to life sentence or even a possible penalty of death. 

Typically speaking, a defendant or individual charged or suspected of capital murder involves allegations where that individual planned and possessed premeditation to commit murder. 

Now, if you missed our first look at this troubling case, it’s season 2, episode 5 on March 20 of this year entitled:  "I just want justice for my son." It runs just over ½ an hour, and I urge any listeners who may have missed it for any reason to listen to that episode.  If you didn’t catch that episode, you can find it here:  Buzzsprout

Today we have the distinct pleasure and honor to again be speaking with Kimkeshia Byron-Johnson, the mother of Ter’Rion Dunn.

On this smokin’ hot episode we uncover new blockbuster evidence and explore: 

● How Ter’Rion Dunn is surviving some 19 months after being arrested and not being offered bail, languishing in jail, while the alleged trigger man is out on bond to move around freely and not being exposed to a heightened risk of contracting COVID-19. 

● The financial hardship of having a child wrongfully imprisoned and how this fact has impacted directly on Kimkeshia, her other children and the family as a whole – as family members of an incarcerated person are “hidden victims” as well.

● We petition you for assistance with for Ter’Rion in order to defray the mounting costs of his on-going legal defense.  We provide the landing page that our Criminal Justice Foundation Justice Rolls Down  has established to help accomplish that goal.  That fund is LIVE and currently can be found at:

● We have discovered a letter from the Office of The Attorney General for The State of Alabama that raises interesting questions about the State’s case against Ter’Rion Dunn.

● We explore key foundational issues such as Ter’Rion Dunn’s alleged  motive,  intent and preparation to commit this crime.   

● We explore a curious lack of evidence disclosed – as required by law – in the case against Ter’Rion Dunn, some 19 months after this crime was committed.

●In our educational component of the show, we review and define what the multiple motions filed in this case are and their purpose, including motions to suppress and inspect evidence and numerous others.

Our investigative reporting is impacting this case.  From this deep southern state that gave us the railroading of The Scottsboro Boys, to Governor George Wallace, who in his 1963 inauguration famously vowed, “Segregation today! Segregation tomorrow!  Segregation forever!”, we update a case that raises questions as to whether a law enforcement misconduct still has a grip on the State of Alabama.  Please listen to this important update episode of Light ‘Em Up and empower yourself with the truth.   The truth disturbs, the truth divides, but ultimately, the truth delivers.

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Thank you so much for helping us grow.  Follow the smoke 🌋🌋🌋 to the fire!  🔥🔥🔥

Note well:  All suspects are innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law. 

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